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Kit de Desarrollo, FPGA Altera Cyclone IV
Producto de Ventaland
Referencia: P0082
Fabricante: Terasic
Garantía: -
- Featured device
- Altera Cyclone IVEP4CE22F17C6NFPGA
- 153 maximum FPGA I/O pins
- Configuration status and set-up elements
- On-board USB-Blaster circuit for programming
- Spansion EPCS64
- Expansion header
- Two 40-pin Headers (GPIOs)provide 72I/O pins, 5V power pins, two 3.3V power pins and fourground pins
- Memory devices
- General user input/output
- 8 green LEDs
- 2 debounced pushbuttons
- 4-position DIP switch
- G-Sensor
- ADI ADXL345, 3-axis accelerometer withhigh resolution (13-bit)
- A/D Converter
- NS ADC128S022, 8-Channel, 12-bit A/D Converter
- 50 Ksps to 200 Ksps
- Clock system
- On-board 50MHz clock oscillator
- Power Supply
- USB Type mini-AB port (5V)
- DC 5V pin for eachGPIO header (2 DC 5V pins)
- 2-pin external power header(3.6-5.7V)